Give Yourself a Break

It’s always important to make sure you’re getting adequate rest, but never more so than at this time of year.

As colds, coughs, flu and Covid become more widespread during the Autumn and Winter months, did you know that a regular yoga practice can help to support your immune system?

It’s the perfect time of the year to incorporate a Restorative yoga pose into your daily routine. And this is a great place to start.

Instead of taking Legs Up the Wall, which can feel challenging if the hamstrings are tight, try resting the lower legs onto a chair instead. Make sure that the knees are the same height as the ankles, otherwise you may soon start to fidget. For me, that means lying back over a blanket or two. Cover up with another warm blanket, so that you’re nice and toasty and maybe use an eye pillow too. Make sure you won’t be disturbed. Then rest here for 15 to 20 minutes, breathing slowly but softly. Enjoy!

As an Advanced Relax & Renew Restorative Yoga teacher, I’m pleased to be able to offer one to one online Restorative yoga sessions tailored just for you. If you’re interested, get in touch!

Maria Dineen