The Power of Hugs (Real Fake News Part I)
We’ve all experienced the power of a hug. That surge of feel good hormones: oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, which accompanies a warm hug from a loved one.
Human beings crave physical touch and it’s vital to our wellbeing.
Research has shown that regular hugs can be an effective way of treating stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness and a host of medical conditions.
When we receive (or give) a hug, we experience instant health benefits. Hugs can help to:
balance the nervous system;
ease physical, mental and emotional tension (and even pain);
boost our immune system;
lower our heart rate;
lower blood pressure;
promote feels of calm and contentment; and
improve self-esteem.
Now, more than ever, we all need daily hugs. Yet for many of us, Covid-19 has meant we’ve been denied all physical contact with other human beings for many months.
But did you know that a ‘fake hug’ - hugging yourself - can produce the same effects as being hugged by someone else? That’s right! Giving yourself a hug can have the same benefits as you get from hugging another individual.
So give it a try! Wrap your arms around your body and squeeze as tightly and for as long as you like, while you take slow, long inhales and exhales. Repeat several times a day. Or whenever you’re craving feelings of comfort and safety or the need to feel calmer, stronger or more positive.
If you’re in need of a big hug right now, why not join one of our online Zoom sessions? We’ve been giving ourselves a hug this week and we’ll be exploring other ways we can trick our body into helping us feel better over the coming weeks.
To book, just click on the ‘Book Now’ button below.